Wednesday, December 31, 2008

L is for Living Space

Living Space is the HOME keeping section of the S.I.M.P.L.E. plan.  Although there are a LOT of things listed in this section, it is 5th on the list.  What that means to me is that if I had to make a choice between doing something on my spiritual list or doing something on my living space list, I would choose the spiritual activity.

So what does this section include???
Cleaning - dusting, sweeping, mopping, laundry, dishes, organizing, weeding, vehicles
Finances - maintaining the checkbook, completing paperwork, mail, bills, banking
Meals - planning, shopping, preparing, research
Special Projects - examples of this would be finding out what needs to be done to have our laptop "cleaned" and then getting that done or putting Christmas decorations away or getting photographs developed... stuff that really doesn't fit into one category or another but makes life a lot easier when they are taking care of regularly.

My plan is to have the children help with a LOT of these things.  Things they cannot physically help with, I hope to have them observe (paying bills) so that they will be prepared for when they are on their own.

This one (L) probably overwhelms me the most because there are so many tasks within this area.  However, this area is much of my inspiration for the S.I.M.P.L.E. plan.  As much as there is to do, this not the FOCUS of my life.  By keeping "L" in its place (5th on the list), I hope to begin living my life according to purpose instead of according to "to do lists."  May God bless us all with insight as to which items are most important.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

P is for Parenting

As a parent, I have many areas of improvement on which to focus.  Using the "I" as a guideline, I want to help my children to learn good habits in the areas of...

Hygiene - showers, brushing teeth, flossing, dressing appropriately, fixing their hair
Health - vitamins, exercise, water, healthy food choices, meditation
Fun - playing games, imaginative play, finding enjoyable hobbies

And from the "M" areas, I also want to improve my relationship with my children through...

Communication - respectfulness, forgiveness, eye contact
Service - both my service to them and their service to me and also serving others
"Mommy time" - which is individual time with each child... on a daily basis (known around here as cuddle time) and on a weekly basis (which began as mommy time - their time with mommy).

Although I haven't mentioned their spiritual growth and education, these are addressed through other areas.  Also, their participation in helping keep the house clean will be reviewed in "L" which is Living Space.  Depending upon the need for an accountability system (tickets, rewards, consequences, etc.), I may have to include that with the communication aspect of Parenting.

While I would love to focus on ALL of these things because I feel they are all so important for my children, I know that I will need to narrow my focus to four.  I will be praying that God will open my eyes to what my children need most.


M is for Marriage

One of the key tools to a strong marriage is communication.  Although I think the hubby and I communicate very well, there is always room for improvement. 
Another area that could see improvement is service.  There are many times that my husband and I have different ideas of what needs to be done (gasp!).  I have found that I can give service to my husband by asking him for one thing he would like for me to accomplish that day.

The third area I would like to focus on would be "couple time."  With my parents living with us for a huge portion of the year, our "couple time" became almost non-existent.  Now that they are back in their own home, it is time for hubby and I to find ways to spend time together without children to interrupt.

As I continue to meditate upon ways to improve and strengthen a marriage, I return to communication and also activities which will be addressed in other areas.  For example, I think our marriage would be improved by participating in more spiritual activities together and/or discussing spiritual matters more often... well, that is covered under the spiritual area.  And so much of a marriage is dependent upon communication that everything else seems to be related to that.  So for now, I will leave the areas of improvement as COMMUNICATION, SERVICE, and, "COUPLE TIME."  But I will continue to be aware of the other areas which influence this area as well.

As always, please leave comments for areas of improvement that I have not listed.  It will greatly help me as well to see what others may have in mind.


Sunday, December 28, 2008

I is for I (well, ME, or YOU, or...)

While this is probably my favorite (because it's all about ME), it is also one of the most difficult areas on which to focus. As parents, we are constantly on call. And while I would certainly give my life for my children, one of the best things I can do right now is to make sure that I take care of myself. So how do I take care of myself? Or, how do you take care of yourself?
Here is the "I" list...

Hygiene - showers, brushing teeth, flossing, fixing my hair, makeup, getting dressed (yes, sometimes pajamas are my day wardrobe...probably a good thing I don't sleep in the nude...LOL!)

Health - participation in Overeater's Anonymous, exercise, food choices, vitamins, water, making healthier choices for sundries (shampoo, soap, etc.), strength training, yoga/pilates, meditation

Education - learning a new language, reading non-fiction, learning digital photography/scrapbooking, learning more about computers/design, hockey, music/instrument, writing, home business ideas, PS3, chess

For Fun - Dallas Stars (of course!), knitting, reading fiction, crochet, quilting, sewing, music, writing, smocking, cross-stitch, scrapbooking, crafting, painting, reading blogs

Please feel free to add ideas in the comments section, they are much appreciated! As with the spiritual list, I will be praying over the "I" list to see where God will have me focus my efforts.
I pray you find your "I" focus as well.


S is for Spirituality

It would be nice if God simply gave us a checklist of what He wants us to do.  Because my list has not arrived in the form of a handwritten note, I must look to scripture and the early church fathers to guide me in what I can do to improve my relationship with God.
Obviously, this list is geared towards my life as an Orthodox Christian.  My prayer is that anyone reading this that is not an Orthodox Christian will gear the list to his/her relationship with Christ.  So, the list...

Morning prayers, Meal prayers, Evening prayers, Family prayer time, Reciting the Jesus Prayer
Daily scripture reading, Individual scripture reading, Scripture memorization, Bible study, Take a class hosted by a church/online school/seminary
Sunday liturgy, Special liturgies, Vespers
Observing fast days, Celebrating feast days, Daily saint readings
Readings on Orthodox Christianity, Readings on Christianity, Listening to Orthodox Christian radio, Listening to Christian radio
Service, Tithing, Donating to missions, Mission preparation 
Meditation, Journaling

I've tried to be thorough but I'm certain I've missed some things.  Please add anything I've missed in the comments.  As part of the S.I.M.P.L.E. plan, I will be praying over this list to see which four things God would like for me to work on this next year.  Please join me in prayer and if you feel called to do so, please list the areas God is calling you to work on this year.


Monday, December 15, 2008

Be looking for the first S.I.M.P.L.E. post on the weekend after Christmas.  Until then, may God grant you a beautiful season of the nativity.
